Boulder Motherhood Session


As a mother myself, it amazes me daily how quickly our children grow and how quickly they develop traits of their own. The saying, "the days are long but the years fly by" is so true. Each day, as Mothers, we face the small inconveniences of stubbornness, whining and downright irrationality from the little humans we have created but as time passes those moments seem to vanish and are replaced with fond memories. We do this because the happy, easy moments are so wonderful they stay in the forefront of our minds, always.

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Some of the most amazing times I have spent with my daughter have been when we are being photographed. Just the two of us, Mother and daughter. It is like we are in a magical place, we connect and understand each other a little better. I have had a few Motherhood Sessions with her, whether we are being photographed by someone else or I am doing self-portraits of us. I always ask her to "love on me" and she will dive straight into my arms, cuddle and kiss my cheeks. These moments are the ones that make me forget all those times when the whining starts or the temper tantrums are thrown. These are the moments when I know her true self is shining


I want to tell you about a mother who moves me, a mother whose love and strength are so vibrant that you can actually feel it when you are around her. This Denver mamma came to me years ago for our first Family Session and has continued to be a loyal client even when I moved out of town to Boulder County. We have since done more Family Sessions, and this year, our first Motherhood Session with her daughter, Kayla.

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From the day Kayla was born, Reena was overcome with the love and joy she felt for the tiny human that had just come into her life. Like any mother, there was an overwhelming desire to protect this child that she so fiercely loves. Last year, Reena went through a series of medical issues that left her in fear as to what the future would hold. It was the love for her daughter that reminded her that she could fight, and that she could win. I can only imagine that when one goes through such emotional and physical upheaval, it gives you a renewed perspective as to what’s most important in life. When I asked her what she wanted for our Motherhood Session, she said she wanted to capture her love for Kayla in the form of art, that she wants to forever hold on to the strong bond that helped her get through her toughest year We took the time to choose a perfect and symbolic location for her shoot, and Orchid Fantasy Greenhouse in Boulder was the winner. It is filled with vibrant colors, warmth and growth. Everything that symbolizes Reena's personality, love for her daughter, and the life ahead of them!


Our session was lovely and perfectly illustrates the bond between mother and daughter. This season of life is hard no matter what you face but knowing you can navigate your way out of almost any kind of darkness by  looking into the eyes of your child and sharing special intimate moments with them is truly something to be celebrated.


For Motherhood Session inquiries please feel free to reach out to me. I would love to help you design the perfect session to illustrate your story! We will choose the location talk through wardrobe options and even giggle a little all while we make meaningful images for you!


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